“Long Stratton village will grow into a town, but a village feel will be retained. Long Stratton will keep its close links to the surrounding countryside and the characterful feel of the enclosed historic centre will be strengthened not just as a result of reduced through-traffic but due to physical improvements which can take place once the by-pass has been built.
Our strong sense of place in the Neighbourhood Plan area will grow as the new development is designed sensitively and reflect Long Stratton and Tharston’s existing characteristics. Pedestrian and cycle access between existing estates and the shops, services and areas of employment will be improved whilst the new development will be designed to encompass pedestrian and cycle access to the town centre. We will have a vibrant, mixed and balanced community. Our employment and business base will grow and diversify as the town takes on a more strategic role in the wider geographic area. New housing developments will provide a varied and wide housing choice ensuring the needs of existing communities will be met alongside those of future residents”
Illustrations below are by Aecom as shown in the Long Stratton Masterplanning Report 2018