The Long Stratton Neighbourhood Plan will be a document created by local people that sets out planning policy for where you live. It helps you protect the things you care about in your community, as well as make improvements to the local area. For example, it can set out how buildings should look, and for what they can be used. It can also help to encourage the kind of development of which you would like to see more.
A neighbourhood plan carries the same legal weight as plans drawn up by your local council. South Norfolk Council must follow what’s in your neighbourhood plan when making decisions about planning applications in your area.
Neighbourhood Plan Area Map:
(click to enlarge)
The Plan has been subject to an independent examination and the final report was received on the 5th July 2021. The examiner has recommended that the plan, once modified with the recommended changes, proceeds to referendum. You can see a copy of the report by clicking on the link below.
On the 19th July 2021 South Norfolk Council approved the plan to proceed to referendum, subject to the specified modifications.
The referendum took place on Thursday 30th September 2021.​
South Norfolk Councils Notice of Decision
Examiners procedural letter and questions 180521
Examiner correspondence LSTC Response May 2021
The Neighbourhood Plan steering group committee are very pleased to announce that following a referendum on 30th September 2021, in which more than half of those who voted did so in favour of the Neighbourhood Plan, South Norfolk Council has decided to ‘make’ the Long Stratton Neighbourhood Plan part of the Development Plan for the District. This decision was taken by South Norfolk Council on 11th October 2021.
Long Stratton Neighbourhood Plan now forms part of the Statutory Development plan for South Norfolk and will be used in the determination of planning applications within the neighbourhood area.
The question that was asked at the referendum was 'Do you want South Norfolk Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Long Stratton to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?'
The result was:
Yes - 379
No - 106
South Norfolk Councils final decision statement
Long Stratton Neighbourhood Plan Adopted Version 2021
A booklet is currently being delivered to all residents in the Neighbourhood Plan area. It includes a summary of all the policies. Please click below to view the online version.
“Long Stratton village will grow into a town, but a village feel will be retained. Long Stratton will keep its close links to the surrounding countryside and the characterful feel of the enclosed historic centre will be strengthened not just as a result of reduced through-traffic but due to physical improvements which can take place once the by-pass has been built.
Our strong sense of place in the Neighbourhood Plan area will grow as the new development is designed sensitively and reflect Long Stratton and Tharston’s existing characteristics. Pedestrian and cycle access between existing estates and the shops, services and areas of employment will be improved whilst the new development will be designed to encompass pedestrian and cycle access to the town centre."